What is the Function of the Endocrine Glands
What is the Function of the Endocrine Glands
These are the basic Functions of the Endocrine Glands within the human body:
Anterior Pituitary Gland – functions as a tropic hormone to stimulate thyroid, adrenal and follicle stimulating hormones
Posterior Pituitary Gland – functions to stimulate the production of antidiuretic hormones and oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions during labour
Hypothalamus Gland – stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine.
Parathyroid Gland – functions to produce parathyroid hormones which cause the breakdown of bone and an increase in circulating calcium concentrations within blood
Adrenal Cortex Gland – regulates electrolyte and fluid homeostasis, stimulates libido, and stimulates gluconeogenesis during times of stress
Adrenal Medullar Gland – produces and excretes adrenalin, which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system during times of stress
Panreatic Islets Gland – produces the hormone glucagon, which promotes glycogenolyis and insulin, which acts as a ligand (key) to allow entry of blood glucose into muscle cell walls.
Ovary Gland – produces estrogens and progesterone, which promotes female sexual development and pregnancy
Testis Gland – releases testosterone and promotes the development of male sexual characteristics
Thymus Gland – promotes the development of thymus cells, which aid in immune system development and maintenance
Placenta Gland – promotes conditions required during early pregnancy
Atria – release atrial natiuretic hormone (ANH), which regulates fluid and electrolyte homeostasis