What is the Difference Between Paramedic and EMT
Both Paramedics and EMTs work from Ambulances and spend their day medically helping sick and injured people. However, EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) are usually less qualified than Paramedics or Intensive Care Paramedics. Depending on which country you go to and even which state, EMTs have different levels of training ranging from short courses through to 1-2 year traineeships. Paramedics however, usually have completed a three year traineeship and often have tertiary qualifications to ensure that they can provide a very high level of care to their patients.
Both EMTs and Paramedics are qualified to diffibrilate and treat a patient during a Cardiac Arrest; however, Paramedics are often capable of providing advanced airway interventions such as endotracheal intubation and advanced cardiac drugs such as amiodarone, lignocaine, adrenaline, and atropine.