What is Darylample’s Sign?
Darylample’s sign is a noticeably widened eyelid due to the retraction of the upper eyelid. The palpebral (eyelid) is widened in Darylample’s sign as a result of excess thyroxin circulating in the blood. This is often seen in medical diseases affecting the thyroid gland, such as: Grave’s disease, Thyrotoxicosis, Hyperthyroidism , Thyroid Storm and iodine overdose through excess iodine intake.
What is the significance of Darylample’s sign to a paramedic?
As a paramedic, you may be the first diagnostic point in which a thyroid disease may be identified. By identifying Darylample’s sign a
paramedic may identify the need for thyroid testing, and also an increased risk of cardiomyopathy as a result of prolonged tachycardia associated with