What are the Signs and Symptoms of Crush Syndrome?
The signs and symptoms of crush syndrome include the following: a clearly demonstrated history of a compressive force on a limb or large area of their body which has been there for a period of time (ussually greater than 30 minutes) or a patient has been laying on the ground with a hard surface for some time (ussually greater than 8 hours).
1. The patient is ussually haemodynamically stable while the compressive force is insitu.
2. Absent pulses, pale, cold, no movement, no sensation distal to injury site/compressive force.
3. Rapid onset of hypovolaemia on release of compressive force.
4. Dysrhytmias after release due to influx of Potassium Ions.
5. Signs of hyperkalamia, such as tall peaked T waves, formation of a Sine Wave, VF, and eventually assystole.