Paramedic Murphy’s Law
This page is dedicated to our dear paramedic friend, mr Paramedic Murphy and his very annoying laws, which visit and trouble all paramedics, EMTs, and EMS workers at some time or another. These are a list of paraemdic Murphy’s laws that I have come across and a testament to Murphy’s Law that basically says, ‘anything that can go wrong… will’ – Paramedic Murphy…
Paramedic Murphy’s Law 1.
Which ever piece of medical equipment which you’ve somehow forgot to bring into the scene with you is always going to be the one and only bit of equipment that you are going to find you really need on that particular ambulance case.
Paramedic Murphy’s Law 2.
You can be certain that whatever back up you have just cancelled as you arrive at the scene, based on your intial assessment, or ‘gut feeling,’ will be exactly the sort of assistance that you will be contacting despatch to request in the next five minutes.
Paramedic Murphy’s Law 3.
The most likely time to get called to a cardiac arrest is when you’re on your way back to station to get a new ‘full’ oxygen cylinder. The second most likely time is about 5 minutes before knock of time, when you have an important date to get to.
Paramedic Murphy’s Law 4.
If you plan on doing something after your shift – don’t. You can be certain that one hundred percent of the time that you plan to do something after work a major disaster will occur just before the end of shift and you will find yourself calling your date to explain that you wont be comming (unless he or she is willing to eat after midnight.
Paramedic Murphy’s Law 5
Haven’t refreshed a particular skill for a while? You can be sure that will be the skill required to save the day during this shift.