New Housos Show
SBS has recently aired a new TV show called “Housos” on Monday evenings. The show was develloped by Paul Fenech who also created TV Parodies such as Pizza, and Swift & Shift Couriers, and is an overly exaggerated, mock, reality tv show that portrays the lives of the dumbest, lowest denominators of society, who live in housing commission houses and consider their greatest achievements to include scamming the government. The developer, managed to do so, without the aid of any political correctness.
So, as a paramedic, we attend housing commissions every day. So, is this new mock show about housing commissions similar to what we see on road?
If you want to know more about the TV show please visit the SBS website at The new Housos show has been critisized by certain News productions for being harsh or incorrectly portraying the lives of those must stricken by poverty. Some people have even inadvertently accepted it as a real documentary, funded by the Australian government (obviously incorrect).
Housos is a politically incorrect, unabrideged, view of some of the “stereotypes” associated with people who live in Australia’s housing comission estates…
It just so happens… that are correct!
So, what are real paramedics, who consider housing commissions as one of their most common places to attend their clientele, saying about the new Housos show?
We like it…
“I’ve attended patients who resemble almost every one of these characters over the years…”
“A Houso’s place is the only house where you can find people who haven’t eaten for a week because they are poverty stricken… but a 72 inch flat screen TV on the wall!”
Disclaimer – we do also realise that some people living in Housing Commission houses are nothing like the people from this Housos show, and are only living in Housing Commission due to unfortunate circumstances beyond their control….