Inside an Ambulance
What is inside an Ambulance?
Every Ambulance Service has a different set of medical equipment and paramedic equipment to ensure that its paramedics are capable of providing the best life-saving interventions while enroute to hospital.
Most Ambulances in Australia have at a very minimum:
– A deffibrilatorÂ
– Drug kit
– BP cuff and sphygnometer
– Oxygen
-Gloves and a range of other personal protective equipment (PPE)
– Syringes, Needles, Cannulaes, Intra-nasal kits, alcohol wipes and other tools required to administer drugs
– Paper case sheets (although these are slowly being phased out with most Ambulance Services turning to electronic patient heath care case sheets)
– Stetcher (for the patient), spine board, carry chair, scoop stretcher, carry sheet.
– Splinting equipment, such as cardboard splints, traction equipment, and inflatable splints
-Maternity kits
– Burns kits
Here is an image of the inside of an Ambulance