Do I Have to Pay An Ambulance Bill?
If you have contacted your local Ambulance Service in an emergency and requested paramedic assistance you may have to pay a bill for this service. Now, how much it costs and whether or not you have to pay for it depends on where you live and also on your specific circumstances. Each Ambulance Service in Australia has a different Ambulance Billing method, and again each Ambulance Service around the world has a different Ambulance Billing Service.
In most states of Australia, if you no on a current welfare program you will likely be liable for some for of Ambulance Bill if you use an Ambulance.
However, these are some of the reasons why people are exempt from an Ambulance Bill:
1. You are injured at work – then work cover must pay for the Ambulance costs.
2. You are currently unemployed and on a welfare program
3. You are disabled and have a disability pension or welfare card
4. You are a school child and your particular school has taken out a school children (while at school) Ambulance Cover policy
5. You are transported from one hospital to another (and the hospital pays for the cost)
6. You have been involved in a motor vehicle accident – and the green slip (compulsory medical and injury insurance) will cover your medical costs and Ambulance fees.
7. You have private health insurance that covers Ambulance transport costs (just check with your private health insurance company about this – some of them will only cover Ambulance costs if you are in a “life threatening emergency.”
8. Your state has a state Ambulance health plan (such as Queensland – which uses a small tax on electricity bills to pay for state Ambulance fees)
If you don’t have any of these things, chances are you may be up for an Ambulance bill. If you do have any of these factors, but you still received an Ambulance Bill – the back page of the Ambulance Bill should have a Patient Exemption section, which includes all of these categories to fill out – and then return it back to the Ambulance Service to fix, because you shouldn’t have to pay.