Thank you for taking the time to see who contributed to this Australian Paramedic website.
Chris Cartwright – a currently practicing paramedic in Australia, with extensive experience working as a paramedic in both metropolitan and rural settings in Australia over the past 12 years. Qualifications include: Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedics), Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing), and a Master of Emergency Management. Chris started this website as a means of providing a platform for other paramedics to discuss lessons that they have learned in the field and out of the field in order to improve patient care, paramedic clinical and “street sense” knowledge, and further their paramedical development.
Ian Wells – a UK trained paramedic with more than 20 years experience as a paramedic.
Maria Co Paler – Clinical Nurse Specialist in Emergency (ED) with over 12 years experience and has provided insight into what hospitals want when they receive patients from paramedics and the areas in which they perceive a paramedic has excelled or failed in his or her duty. Maria has completed both a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) and a Master in Critical Care Nursing.
Joe Cartwright – renowned Australian Watercolor Artist, who contributed by providing many of the the artist’s impressions of medical diagrams. You can view Joe Cartwright’s works at Painting With Watercolors.
I would also like to note the valuable assistance of the community of paramedics out there who have sent in suggestions and paramedic articles, interesting case studies, and a variety of other information utilised to ensure that this website serves its purpose in providing up-to-date information for paramedics, by paramedics.If you would like to become a writer for Emergency Medical Paramedic, or wish to submit a case study or suggestion, please contact us here, we’re always appreciative of help by paramedics.
As a group, we do not take legal responsibility for the use of any recommendations or procedures decribed in this website, but merely provide them as an adjunct to your current paramedic training and suggest that you follow your specific Ambulance Service approved guidelines, procedures, and skills. Please review our disclaimer.