Australian Paramedic Salaries
The following is a current guide for Paramedic Salaries within Australia as of October 2011. It should be noted that these are the base wages for most paramedics, and that paramedics are often on a much higher annual income due to shift penalties, specialty skills allowances, missed meals, overtime, on call allowances, call outs, and living away from home allowance for some country stations. In general, paramedics within Australia can be on salaries ranging from unpaid voluntary service through to positions exceeding $100,000 per year.
Paramedic Salary QLD Australia
Paramedics in QLD Australia usually earn a Salary of $45,000 -$55,000. However, penalties, often increase a paramedics overall package up to around $70,000 per year, depending on location, qualifications, and experience.
Paramedic Salary NSW Australia
If you work as a paramedic in NSW the average salary is approximately $56,000 per year, depending on experience (time in the jobs), qualifications, and any specialist qualifications, such as Intensive Care Paramedic/Extended Care Paramedic, or Ambulance Management Roles. However, once shift penalities, shifte overtime (when you get a job just before the end of your shift and have to attend), most paramedics earn an annual income of between $80,000 -$90,000. If you push for overtime shifts it is reasonable to earn an annual income of greater than $110,0o0 per year, however managing your own fatigue if you are working that much overtime may become a problem. Also, if you are willing to work in remote locations, and rural settings, which include ‘on call’ – you will be paid an on-call allowance and a ‘call out’ fee every time you are called out as a paramedic whilst not on shift (generally the night hours). Depending on how busy the area is that you are working, you may end up making an annual income of greater than $140,000, but you will have to be available for a lot of ‘on call’ time and may not necessarily be called out.
Paramedic Salary Victoria – Australia
Paramedics in Victoria are usually on a salary of approximately $60,000-$75,000 per annum, however this is considered a composite wage, which means that it includes the rolled in average cost of penalties, and overtime. Paramedic in Victoria do not receive shift penalties, unlike many other Ambulance Services, while they do have the highest paramedic salary in Australia.
Paramedic Salary ACT – Australia
Paramedics in the ACT can expect to earn a salary between $65,000 and $74,000 per annum, plus shift penalties.
Paramedic Salary – South Australian Paramedics in South Australia can expect to earn a salary between $45,000 and $60,000 per annum, plus shift penalties and education benefits.
Paramedic Salary – Tasmania – Australia Paramedics in Tasmania can expect to earn a salary of between $65,000 and $70,000 per annum.
Paramedic Salary Western Australia Paramedics in Western Australia are often employed on a volunteer basis, with the exception of qualified intensive care paramedics in Perth and regional areas. Qualified Paramedics employed full time in St John’s Ambulance Service of Western Australia, can expect to earn between $45000-55,000 per annum, with some penalty benefits.
Please review our Paramedic Salary page for paramedic salaries globally.
These paramedic salaries have been identified by paramedics who have worked for each of these Ambulance Services and have offered their oppinions of their salaries and actual earnings per annum, for the bennefits of paramedics interested in working in other areas. This website acknowledges no affilation with any of these Ambulance Services. If you know, or believe that any of these paramedic salaries are incorrect, please contact us via the contact us page with references to support your view. This has been compiled for the benefits of paramedics around Australia, and it is our intention to ensure that it is maintained with accurate information.