Ambulance Hits Pedestrian
On Friday the 3rd of September an Ambulance collided with a pedestrian in Sydney while responding to an emergency under lights and sirens. The paramedics in the Ambulance attempted to resuscitate the pedestrian to no avail. Although the circumstances of this situation are unknown, it highlights the concept in Ambulance, that it is better to arrive at an emergency scene alive and a little later, than not at all. While responding to medical emergencies are a routine part of an Ambulance Paramedic’s daily routine, it can never be emphasized too much the importance of perspective in their attempt to arrive with mimimum delay.
This article makes no suggestion whatsover that the paramedics were at fault here, but that the story emphasizes the potential risks that paramedics must mitigate every time they respond to an emergency under lights and sirens, as well as the enormous responsbility that this places on them, for their own lives and others.
The ramifications of this disaster on the paramedics although unknown, may continue for years to come. We wish them luck in whatever methods they need to use, to continue after this experience.