Paramedic Quiz 1
You have been called to a 7 year old male who has fallen off his BMX bike while attempting a jump. His mother states that at first he didn’t cry, but after about 30 seconds started to cry. On examination, you find that there has been a large amount of damage to his helmet and that there is a large contusion to his occiput. He appears to be asking the same question over and over again – “What happened, where am I?”
1. What is the significance of the fact that it took 30 seconds for him to start crying after the fall?
2. What does repetitive questioning generally signify in a patient with a head injury?
3. What are your treatment priorities for this person?
Basic anatomy and physiology quizzes for paramedics:
1. What is the resting heart rate of a newborn?
2. What is the resting respiratory rate of a 10 year old?
3. What is the normal Intracranial Pressure in a healthy person?
4. Why should you not administer a hypertonic solution in a person with a base of skull fracture?
5. Where is the cubital fossa?
6. What are the 3 most used arm veins for IV cannulation?
7. How does an ACE inhibitor affect a patient’s blood pressure?
8. How much air does it theoretically take intravenously to cause an air embolism in the heart?
Basic skills quizzes for paramedics:
1. While inserting an IVC in what direction should you insert the cannula in relation to the flow of the vein?
2. What are the anatomical landmarks used to visualize correct placement of an endotracheal tube?
3. What are the correct anatomical landmarks used to perform a thoracentesis during a suspected tension pneumothorax?
4. What are the correct anatomical landmarks used to perform a 12 lead ECG on a patient?
5. What type of fracture should a collar and cuff sling be used on?
6. What type of fracture should a basic arm sling be used for?
Check back here next week for the answers!