Wandering Atrial Pacemaker
A Wandering Atrial Pacemaker is a usually benign arrhythmia in which the pacemaker site wanders between the SA node, atria, or AV node. The wandering atrial pacemaker is commonly related to stimulation of the vagal nerve. It is most commonly seen in person who are very young, very old, or extremely athletic.
Wandering Atrial Pacemaker ECG
Heart Rate: normal (60-100).
Rhythm: mildly irregular.
P-Waves: changing in size. May change from being upright to downward.’
PR Interval: unequal.
QRS Complexes: normal.
Wandering Atrial Pacemaker Signs and Symptoms
Most people who have a wandering atrial pacemaker will be asymptomatic. A small percentage will experience mild palpitations, but should maintain normal perfusion throughout.