EMT Jokes
These are the jokes for EMTs and Paramedics… just for laughs…
EMT Joke 1
What’s the difference between a man with no arms and a paramedic? – the man with no arms has an excuse for not lifting anything.
EMT Joke 2
Why do you call a paramedic a “frog?” – Everyone they touch crokes…
EMT Joke 3
How many paramedics does it take to change a lightglobe? – One, he just holds the globe up, and waits for the world to revolve around him.
EMT Joke 4
What’s the difference between God and a Paramedic? – God doesn’t go around with the delusion that he’s a Paramedic.
EMT Joke 5.
Turning your lights and sirens on will “actually” convince people to move out of your way… – has never happened.
EMT Joke 6.
“Its only a little needle”
EMT Joke 7.
“I have to insert this little needle in your arm… I promise this wont hurt me a bit…”