What is Telangiectasia?
Telangeactasia is a rare disorder that affects the micro vasculature (small blood vessels) within the cutaneous and mucos surfaces of the human body. Telangiactasias are found as little white marks often seen most commonly on the face, but can be found anywhere on the body.
What is the significance of a telangiectasia on a patient? As a paramedic, there is little diagnostic benefits to searching for and assessing for a telangiectasia. As a Medical Practictioner, it may be one of the multiple signs that will used to diagnose Scleroderma Disease.
Facts about Telangiectasia:
1. It is commonly asssociated with Scleroderma Disease.
2. Telangiectasias may also be indicative of high blood pressure.
3. Because Telangiectasias are vascular, they will blanch when tested through diascopy.