Paranormal Activity True Story 3
As a paramedic I regularly attend those who are dying or have recently departed the world of the living. This has provided me with an unusual view of true paranormal activities. This is paranormal activity true story 3 and it is based on a real medical scene that I have attended.
I was called to a person who was in labour. I don’t generally like to deliver babies, I don’t do it very often, and although it generally turns out well for everone, I just don’t feel comfortable delivering babies. Furthermore, I get covered in blood – and that’s never much fun… but, on the other hand, delivering babies means bringing babies into the world instead of helping people leave it – so that’s a bonus.
Okay, so, like I said, I had been called to a women in her mid twenties who was in labour. I arrived and found a women comfortable at home and obviously not in the middle of labour pains. I spoke to the lady and was informed that she hadn’t rung 000 (our version of 911 in Australia) and that she was not currently, nor had she ever been pregnant. She then informed me that she lives alone and that she doesn’t even know of any of her neighours being pregnant. I appologize and check with our dispatch to make sure we have the right location. They confirm that I have the right location.
I ask them to call back the phone number which had been used to call for the emergency in the first place. They find the number and ring it.
Eerily, the phone in the house starts to ring – I laugh – surely someone else hasn’t just now decided to ring. The resident of the house walks over and picks up the phone -“Hello…” she pauses… “Where did you get this number?” She appears frightened, and then says “this isn’t funy… I’ll put him on…”
– its work – they confirm that the original call to a woman in labour was definitely from this phone. I ask if there are kids around or someone else who might want to play a joke on this lady. No, she lives alone and hasn’t had any visitors today.
Okay, I appologize for the confusion and tell her not to worry about it – sometimes wires get crossed somehow… we both make a comment about the poor lady who is in labour and obviously isn’t getting any help.
We leave her and start to head back to station…
About 20 minutes later – the phone rings – its dispatch – “You wont believe this… we’ve just had another call to the same address for a woman in her mid twenties having labour pains…” I inform them that there’s a mistake and that the lady who lives at that address is most certainly not pregnant and not in labour and she lives alone! “Well” Dispatch tells me “You’d better go check so we can get this thing off our screen… and clear this mess up.”
So, reluctantly, we head off to the same address..
When we arrive – we hear a woman screaming inside – the same lady in her mid twenties from before…
“I’m in here… quick” she yells…
Its the same lady from before and she is panting heavily…
“There’s no way that I’m pregnant… what the hell is this?” She asks…
I ask my usual questions, such as – when did you last have sex? Well, she had had sex around 38 weeks ago – but she was certain she had been careful – and besides, she would have felt something before now…
So, in short she has the baby – and it is healthy – in fact, it is unnaturally healthy and comes out almost looking at us as if to say, I called earlier today – you didn’t listen…
The lady promised that she hadn’t called earlier…
We took her to hospital and the baby went on to be healthy.
Why had the phone rung earlier that day? We will never know.