What is an Opisthotonus Spasm?
The following are basic definitions of Opisthonus Spasm:
An Opisthotonus Spasm is spasm involving the whole body in which the patient’s head, legs and back are all bent un-naturally backwards.
An Opisthotonus Spasm is often associated with a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage or Minengeal irriatation.
An Opisthotonus Spasm is also often seen in a Positive Kernig’s Sign.
What is the clinical significance of an Opisthotonus spasm? An Opisthotonus spasm often indicates a subarachnoid haemorrhage and minengeal irritation, which should trigger the clinician to order an urgent head CT, neurology review and potential need for trephination (burr holes in the cranium to relieve intracranial pressure).